What Southern Women Understand About Men

My family and I are spending the week in a little coastal town in Georgia that we love!

Best Relationship Advice- What Southern Women Understand About MenSouthern belle secrets to the best relationship advice and how to be more attractive to men. Southern charm goes a long way in knowing how to attract a man and knowing what makes him …

Being a clean-cut, Christian family in the Northeast can feel lonely at times.

Here is GA, just seeing the genuine smiles and the polite interactions- the hey ya’ll’s and God bless you’s- is like fresh air to our souls!!

There is also a different kind of sweetness between men and women here.

Best Relationship Advice- What Southern Women Understand About MenSouthern belle secrets to the best relationship advice and how to be more attractive to men. Southern charm goes a long way in knowing how to attract a man and knowing what makes him …

This morning I was walking barefoot back from the beach, stepping carefully on the hot wooden walkway leading me away from the sand. I was soaking up the sunshine, the ocean breeze and the friendly conversations taking place around me.

As I passed a group of young people in their early 20’s heading toward the beach, I saw two young men each holding the handle of a GIANT cooler. The cooler was obviously very heavy, as they were carrying supplies for their whole group.

I overheard one of the muscular young-men jokingly say: “does anyone else feel like the beach is a mile away right now?”

The whole group snickered.

Then about 10 seconds later, I heard one of the young ladies say something that nearly made my heart leap out of my chest.😍

She said to the strapping young men carrying the cooler, in her sweet southern accent:

“I just want ya’ll to know that we appreciate you SO much.”

It was a small thing, really.

Something that could have easily gone overlooked.

But to me it stood out like a neon sign.

Why? Because I NEVER hear women say things like that where I’m from.

Where I’m from, it is culturally OPPOSITE for women to show respect, gratitude or appreciation for the strength of a man. And in some of the most “progressive” circles, it has become taboo to even acknowledge gender differences- let alone compliment them.

I have 3 sons, and do you know what each one of them likes and appreciates most from me?

Best Relationship Advice- What Southern Women Understand About MenSouthern belle secrets to the best relationship advice and how to be more attractive to men. Southern charm goes a long way in knowing how to attract a man and knowing what makes him …

When I watch and acknowledge how strong, fast, smart or good at something they are.

NOTHING makes them light up more than when I pay attention to and appreciate their skills and strength.

Men are no different.

They want to be appreciated for their strengths and skills. They want to serve and prove worthy of respect.

And when they get this kind of respect and affirmation from their lady, it’s like throwing gasoline on a fire!!! (In all the best ways.)

If your man does not like to serve you and his family, it could be because his efforts have gone unappreciated or undermined in the past. This makes men shell up.

Plus many of us never had someone teach us how to give praise, encouragement and respect to our man, so it just doesn’t feel natural to us.

I didn’t even know about this concept myself until I picked up Emmerson Eggriches book Love and Respect, which basically taught me this:

Just like we women have a deep desire to be LOVED, a man’s most basic need is to be RESPECTED.

It’s true.

So what do many women in the south know that we don’t?

Best Relationship Advice- What Southern Women Understand About MenSouthern belle secrets to the best relationship advice and how to be more attractive to men. Southern charm goes a long way in knowing how to attract a man and knowing what makes him …

They know how to treat men like men, and how to encourage them in that special way that only a lady can.

It is more in their upbringing and culture.

And in my opinion, it makes for a simpler, healthier and more easy-going attraction!☀️

A few resources you might love!

Putting Your Man in God’s Hands


Best Relationship Advice- What Southern Women Understand About MenSouthern belle secrets to the best relationship advice and how to be more attractive to men. Southern charm goes a long way in knowing how to attract a man and knowing what makes him …
  • Let go of control and become the woman you’ve always wanted to be.

  • Have the courage to believe God’s word above your feelings.

  • Find the blessing of doing less

  • Cultivate the power of Respect

  • Learn how to draw up appropriate boundaries in your marriage.

How To Win Your Husband’s Heart Back & Have a Fresh Start In Your Marriage >> ARTICLE

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Best Relationship Advice- What Southern Women Understand About MenSouthern belle secrets to the best relationship advice and how to be more attractive to men. Southern charm goes a long way in knowing how to attract a man and knowing what makes him …
Best Relationship Advice- What Southern Women Understand About MenSouthern belle secrets to the best relationship advice and how to be more attractive to men. Southern charm goes a long way in knowing how to attract a man and knowing what makes him …