The First Five Steps to Starting Your Dream Business

Do you have a dream brewing in your heart?

Something you can just picture yourself succeeding at and thriving in?

Everyday I talk to beautiful, smart Christian women who are pouring themselves into someone else’s plan-for-success.

They have their own goals and visions, but just struggle to see how they can make them a reality.

They are often too busy, too stressed, have too little time, too little money, and lack the direction to make their dreams a reality.

This was me for a long time!

I would get so excited about a new program, and follow every single step, until I would lose steam, or realize that this was not really taking me where I wanted to go.

I think we often struggle to realize how adored and uniquely made we are to do our own thing.

There is so much out there calling to us, and it’s SO EASY to get absorbed in following in someone else’s footsteps.

But this isn’t what you were made for and you have more freedom than you realize!

I want to give you 5 steps to help you press in and build a strong foundation for following your dreams.

These are not what you would find in a typical business start-up course, but I truly believe that positioning yourself correctly from the beginning will be what sets the groundwork for keeping your life in balance, and letting you run freely on your own path!

1.Dance at God’s feet.

This is a free online course for Christian business women looking to build their dream business. If you want to work from home and make money online, start a ministry or do your dream job and make money as a Christian blogger, author or creative ent…

What I mean by this, is let your real self come out with God!

This is the safest place to let all of your deepest desires and wishes come out. Think of yourself like a little girl with her Daddy who she is able to just talk and dream freely with, with no judgement. Even though she doesn’t say all of the right things, there is still love and adoration in her Daddy’s eyes!

Give yourself permission to be yourself with Jesus.

Tell him what you really dream about. What movies and characters and songs and other people inspire you. Tell him how you picture your life! And don’t be afraid of how it sounds!

Maybe this can come out more freely and fully journaling to him in a notebook!

The point is that you give yourself the permission and time to open up and dream in the safe space with Daddy.

2. Surrender, pray and listen.

This is a free online course for Christian business women looking to build their dream business. If you want to work from home and make money online, start a ministry or do your dream job and make money as a Christian blogger, author or creative ent…

After you do the dancing and the dreaming and the getting it all out there- the next step is to quiet your heart, surrender, pray and listen.

Imagine yourself laying those dreams at God’s feet, literally. Surrendering everything you just told him you want, and telling him:

“I trust that you will give me what you want for me. If you want me to have parts of this dream, I will receive them gratefully and gladly, and the parts you don’t I trust that you have something different and better for me. I just want to trust you fully. Help me. I’m laying my dreams at your feet and listening, like a blank page in a book for you to write on.”

This is surrender.

And the way that God speaks most powerfully to us is through his word. So take some time next to read his word, and truly absorb what you think he’s telling you!

Repeat these first to steps DAILY for 30 days, and I promise you will find more peace, direction and clarity than you ever knew you could have!

3. Prioritize from the top down.

This is a free online course for Christian business women looking to build their dream business. If you want to work from home and make money online, start a ministry or do your dream job and make money as a Christian blogger, author or creative ent…

I highly doubt that you just have all of the time (and money) in the world to give yourself over fully to a new business or ministry venture. Especially if you are a wife and mommy.

That means that some things need to leave your plate in order to make room for this new pursuit.

And here is the most prudent and important advice I can give you:

Do not steal time away from your children, your husband or your relationship with God.

Those priorities need to remain a permanent fixture no matter what you take on- ESPECIALLY if you want God’s blessing over you life, your health and your pursuits. Because he has a way of slowing us down and letting us know when our priorities are out of whack (trust me, I know!)

Time spent on social media, your phone and television should be the first things that get cut! Fruitless, busy activities and time wasted on aimless and unhealthy relationships also.

If you want to do this well, cut the fat out of your life and start taking small steps that fit within the realities of your budget and your home life.

4. Invite Others In!

This is a free online course for Christian business women looking to build their dream business. If you want to work from home and make money online, start a ministry or do your dream job and make money as a Christian blogger, author or creative ent…

We need a community. We are the body of Christ and to each member he has assigned different gifts and roles, so we can all function together as something much bigger than ourselves.

Don’t try to be a one-woman show.

Reach out and talk to your pastor’s wife and other sisters in Christ about what your dreams and plans are.

I’m not sure what the end result for you will be, but God has a way of bringing us together and uniting us in purpose and cause.

Don’t hide!

5. Letting it go and moving it forward.

This is a free online course for Christian business women looking to build their dream business. If you want to work from home and make money online, start a ministry or do your dream job and make money as a Christian blogger, author or creative ent…

This is a balance. A dance of sorts.

We must continually surrender all of our dreams and motives to God, and sometimes there is a season for standing still and waiting to hear your next move.

But if you feel that God is leading you to move forward, do so prayerfully and resist the urge to plan out your entire future.

Sometimes God will give you just enough light for the step you’re on.

Step forward in faith.

And in all of this I can tell you this:

The best and most beautiful things are found in the intimacy with Jesus. If you think you are going to find an identity or sense of importance in your work, it will disappoint you.

The close places where your heart is fully understood and you are fully loved, that is where it’s at. No other person, or no amount of success can give you anything that good- and once you have that, everything else is just a bonus!

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For Christian women looking to start their dream business or ministry. If you want to open a business in 2020 so you can work from home and make money online, start a ministry, live your dream life or make money as a Christian blogger, author or cre…
For Christian women looking to start their dream business or ministry. If you want to open a business in 2020 so you can work from home and make money online, start a ministry, live your dream life or make money as a Christian blogger, author or cre…

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